Sunday, April 5, 2009

Why is this night the same....??!?!

Normally I don't least not on my blog. But here it is a few days before Pesach, I'm doing my usual going nuts stuff...including revising my Haggadah, of course. Everything was going swimmingly....having a wonderful time using pages to make up my Haggadah (windows word - ICK!) making it really lovely with photos and nice backgrounds, pretty fonts, drop shadows, gradient fills - the works. And then - HORRORS - just when I get to the computer freezes. I'm not kidding. My MAC locks up! (never happens) I have to hit the big red button and - you guessed it - NONE OF MY WORK WAS SAVED!!!! Arrggghhh! Yeah, I never set up Time Machine so now I have to pick up with my last save tomorrow - Ur'chatz (hand-washing) - geez that's like page 3! Somebody shoot me....


Stassja said...

Oh no!! Poor mommy! Eeeeeeevil Mac. Shall I smite it with my mind powers?

Anonymous said...

everyone knows that macs are for goyim.