Friday, August 8, 2008


Bubbe makes her famous salsa as Zaydie gets ready to make Ray's birthday cake. Little ROS hangs out hoping for a shmackeral of icing.
Time out to wrestle with Uncle Yeshi.
Zaydie has the cake ready for the oven, Mama is quality control.
Oh yeah, CAKE BATTER. No, it will not give you worms. Pity the poor children who have never licked a beater or eaten a hunk of raw cookie dough....


kyoto said...

Love the photos!!!!!!!!I I need to print them all for a book!! Love

Anonymous said...

worms. yum.

kyoto said...

Hi- Isn't it time for a new post????? I keep checking in and - time flies---- but no new notes!! Love - Oh - and this last storm poured LOTS of water into my basement - so -- more help with the clean up done by Mother Nature!