This is a rite of passage for our children. No one is allowed to move out unless they can make the would they live? This is Yeshi's first attempt at dipping. We ladies do all the preps - chopping onions, shredding cheese (or foraging for it at the grocery in its shredded and bagged state) and making the sauce. We also layer the onions and cheese during the building process. The actual dipping of the tortillas into the sauce is, however, the male's domain. As is the preparation of properly poached eggs to top off the masterpiece. These skills require finesse and timing (the female responsibilities in enchilada-making do not) and thusly the learning process must begin at an earlier age for boys. The tortillas have to be in the sauce long enough to soften and be completely coated but if they are in too long they fall apart. Similarly the eggs must have cooked whites and runny yokes. Yeshi did a fine job for his first attempt - only a few ripped tortillas. Once he is 100 percent on his dipping we'll move on to egg-poaching. Well done son - I look forward to the day when you and your sister whip up a plate for me, *sniff* !