Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ray's First Birthday

Although I know I probably shouldn't try to catch up on my blog....I have to at least put in Ray's birthday before jumping to the present. So here are some from his party "on the day" (remember he did have a party at Grandma Sara's also). Here's Uncle Yeshi doing his thing. Ray loves the tossing in the air.
And here he is with cousin Luke figuring out how to get at that laptop.
Luke had a shiner from running into a table and decides the bag of frozen peas he had for the injury would make a good present for Ray.
Ray loves the fish that Grandma Gloria crocheted for him.
Great Grandpa Joel lights the candle.
Uncle Yeshi is funny.
Mmmmm, frosting.....
Cuddles from Great Grandma - she kept heading Ray off at the stairs. He'd even start up a stair or two and then look to see who was going to come get him....


kyoto said...

What cute photos of all - little Ray (of sunshine) is sooo sweet! Love, Kyoto

Anonymous said...

Cute photos. Minor point of order, that's Luke in the photos, Leon's younger brother.

Unknown said...

Oops! Yeah, I did know that was Luke and yet I typed Leon. I always thought it was an old person thing to get the names mixed up but whenever I get around my sisters and my daughter I start interchanging the names. So maybe it is a "too many names in the brain" thing....