Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yes, my boy scored his first touchdown and unfortunately I have no picture because it was a night game and worse - are you ready for this? - although I was recording with my sony handycam, I missed it with that too! Arrgggh! Not sure how I did that, I was following the ball but ended up on the wrong side of the field. When I pulled back, there was Yeshi, ball in hand, in the end zone! Ah well, I did get nice footage of him recovering a fumble and catching a pass that was too low, he had to dive for it. Today we are driving up to Rock Hill for the state championship. The game is at 5pm so I probably won't get any photos of this game either but if I do I will certainly post some tomorrow! Since I can't stand to post without a picture to go with's Yeshi making cookies for Thanksgiving and a couple of nature pictures.....

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